People’s concern for the world climate, combined with calls for taking responsibility for the environment are currently on everyone’s lips. World Food Day also plays into this concern. It is observed every year on 16 October and draws attention to the fact that millions of people suffer from malnutrition.

The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) estimates that more than 820 million people worldwide suffer from hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition. That is one in nine people, most of them in Asia and Africa. Every year about 9 million people die of starvation; that is more than the combined deaths from HIV/Aids, malaria, and tuberculosis.

As always, those most at risk are children and women. UNICEF, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, reports that one in three children under five is ill and not growing well because of malnutrition—a total of some 200 million children.

“Let’s not forget the many millions of people who go hungry every day! Anyone who is grateful for what God gives him will not simply be indifferent to the suffering of others,” says District Apostle Michael Ehrich from the District Church Southern Germany. The Church’s own charity, human aktiv, regularly provides for people suffering from hunger-related causes at home and abroad.

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