Last October 20, 2016, another devastating typhoon named “Lawin”, (international name Haima) hit the Philippines. “Lawin deemed a super typhoon, has been compared to typhoon “Yolanda”, which ravaged the central Philippines nearly three years ago, and left huge damage.
Super typhoon Lawin left in its trail at least seven people dead, five missing, homes and livelihoods destroyed, and billions of pesos in damaged crops and infrastructure. Several provinces have declared state of calamity more specifically in area of Cagayan Valley and Isabela in Northern Luzon.
NACSEARElief immediately sent food relief assistance to the affected areas of Cagayan Valley, Isabela, Ilocos and Abra. Some volunteer workers from church congregations organized the relief distribution. A total of 90 family benefited and received food assistance.
However, people need not only food but a shelter as some of their houses were torn down by the typhoon. Housing assistance has been initiated after the road became passable. With the help of some volunteers, led by Criz Ronquillo of the NACSEARElief office, the housing materials was successfully delivered to each door of affected families. About 17 families received housing material assistance such as Galva sheets, woods and nails. The people are so grateful and sent their thanks towards NACSEARElief and donors.
November 30, 2016
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