“Unfried Foundation” from Stuttgart Germany is our major supporter of the NACSEARelief scholarship program in the Philippines. 

The Foundation President Hans Schwarz with his wife visited the Philippines to reach out and meet the scholars

A first meeting with 10 students was in Manila. In Bohol 6 youths were gathered followed by a final event at Tilling Central Church in Negros Occidental where 32 came together. 

In conversations  Hans Schwarz explained the back ground of the founders, how from humble life they grew and could eventually leave  a legacy granting today educational assistance to   deserving students. A powerful testimony of vision and sacrifice encouraging today’s youth  not just to learn for their own future jobs and secure life  but also build a legacy of their own giving back to community, society and generations to come.

The motivational presentations  were summarized with the message: “nothing comes from nothing; sowing the seed is essential for a harvest”

As DepEd secretary Angara stated: “education is a shared responsibility” NACSEARelief is endeavouring to give its part by maintaining a support Program and building Classrooms with foreign aid. 

Urs Hebeisen

