The NAC SEA Relief Fund

An initiative of the New Apostolic Church South East Asia
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Scholarship donors visiting the Philippines

“Unfried Foundation” from Stuttgart Germany is our major supporter of the NACSEARelief scholarship program in the Philippines.  The Foundation President…

Last calamity and last outreach in 2024

“1 dead, 2 missing, over 18000 affected by floods in Davao Occidental” was the headline in local media. Not much…


We had a busy year and are thankful to all who supported us. Donors, large organizations but we appreciated also…

STEP Mission 2025: Empowering Communities in Bohol and Beyond

10th December 2025, STEP Mission in Bohol Our friends in Bohol had another year full of activities amidst challenges. Again…

Spreading Christmas Hope: Supporting Typhoon-Affected Families in Bicol

7. December 2025. Mme Carmen Danilos is a philanthropist from Naga in the Bicol region, a German national and recipient…

Phase 2 of Corn Seeds assistance 

Lake Sebu 15th November 2024: In a town-hall-meeting we distributed  on behalf of NAK-karitativ Germany, corn seeds for the fields…

CONGRATULATIONS to NACSEA Relief Scholars of Batch 2024 GRADUATES.

    Congratulations to the 17 NACSEA Relief scholars who successfully graduated this 2024! Your hard work, dedication, and resilience…


Beyond academic achievement and knowledge, education is many things. It is a powerful catalyst for poverty alleviation, social equality, and…

Delivering Hope: Seeds for Farmers’ Future Harvest

Sarangani 24th October 2024. We pray in the Lord’s Prayer: “…Give us today our daily bred” For many this is…

TWO CLASSROOMS and faculty room dedicated and turned over to DepEd.

Saturday, October 12, 2024, NACSEA Relief Inc. President together with Manager of operations Ms Mabelle Bagtas visited Dugwakan Primary School…

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