The NAC SEA Relief Fund

An initiative of the New Apostolic Church South East Asia
Category: Latest News

Not only typhoons but also COVID

It is common knowledge that the Corona crisis is having it’s effect beyond health and social restrictions. Jobs are lost…

Our frontliners in the field, responding to Typhoon victims

Our frontliners Cris Ronquillo, Rebekkah Silvano and Recky Boy Abad have reached out to the needy and send us photos which…

Response aftermath of Super Typhoons

“a mishap comes seldom alone” an old saying goes. This applies to the Philippines. The Filipino people always had to…

“Retired minister under safe roof”

Seniors often are taken for granted and their needs overlooked because they never complain. Yet with little improvements their life…


No travelling during community quarantine, yet the finished building, the first school infrastructure in the area, should not have to wait…

“community” features NACSEARelief

“community” the magazine of the New Apostolic Church International features the work of NACSEARelief   Download the Community 3 2020…

Our partners “Island Kids Philippines” newsletter

Covid-19, the protective measures, but also their consequences continue to determine the society also in the Philippines. How do Thomas…

HUMANITAS of Switzerland School Project nearing its completion

Will be ready for start of school on August 24th 2020

NACSEARelief volunteers support ALPS

ALPS stands for Aid Line Philippines Swiss and is the Corporate Social Responsibility Arm of Swiss Business in the Philippines….

HUMANITAS of Switzerland Project Update : Day 63 Bugtong Kahoy ES project

According to the Department of Education classes will resume 24th August 2020 after the extended summer vacation due to the…

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